Radicular pain, or radiating pain, is caused by interference or squeezing of the spinal nerves. This leads to pain, tingling, or numbness in parts of your body far from the real source of the problem.
If your spine is injured during a auto collision, there are a number of things that can affect the nerves.
Injured ligaments and muscles can cause swelling of the nerve root, which can affect the function of the nerve. If a spinal disk is injured, it can cause the disk to bulge or herniate, compressing the nerve. And if the vertebral joints start to calcify, it can trigger spinal stenosis, or a narrowing of the channel that the spinal nerves travel through.
The key element to managing radicular pain is to identify the precise source of the problem causing the impingement and then work to alleviate the stress on the nerve.
If you've been in a crash and have signs of radicular pain, Dr. Holland is here to help. We can help identify the underlying source of your problem and formulate a plan of action to help you restore your health. We've helped many people in St. Louis, MO heal from these sorts of problems.
Call our St. Louis, MO office today at (314) 588-9100 for an appointment or for more information.